Saturday, October 23, 2010

Praktica B Mount To Nikon Converter

A flood of messages in a pillow ..

few weeks ago a friend of mine went to work in New York: a wonderful opportunity, but we were all a bit 'sad for his departure.
We wanted to give her a gift with which you might remember us, so, suddenly there came an idea ....
A rug pad with the dedication of all of us! Easy to pack in his long journey and nice "first decoration" for the new mini-home newyorkina!
We did not have much time, but with the support of all, we were able to deliver the gift during his farewell party!

's designs without the dedication of course ... Front:


The idea came to me of the polyp why so many tentacles can support many cartels, but the numerous accessions led me to add more animals carrying messages ...
And the end result!!

was a success: I had a great time to create the marine landscape and our friend there surely never forget!!
Of course, I can not avoid making a big thanks to blogghera friend (they say so?), Who participated very actively in the project: THANKS TERESA !
Soon other gift ideas!!


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