Thursday, October 21, 2010

Church Letter For New Member


Trying to create, or rather, to "build" a portfolio suited to introduce by some editors (Maybe at Bologna?) Is! I got an idea to be able to present interesting, but mostly to remind me ...
The idea is not to be with graphics as the magnet with the cat , but fits the theme of "children's illustration, so, again thanks to rain that day which proved its production, I created this illustration.
cups with hot tea are essential for survival: they are a part of me, always with one hand: I have an object that now characterizes it. So why not use it to make me pubbllicitĂ ? I invite everyone to a cup of tea!!
Not really, of course, but the idea of \u200b\u200bpacking the tea bag in a different way could be a detail that 'you remember ....

And once closed would be so, since double-sided ...

now lacks only the complete portfolio!
I hope you like the idea ... and you as you make out??


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