Monday, March 7, 2011

Plus Sized Bathing Suits Toronto

Pino episode of the infidel on 7 / 03

Gad Lerner talks about the resurgence tonight, mythical period for him and many others, unfortunately, the novelty and 'that in addition to the controversy (as usual ... instrumental) of the Northern League will also southern Africa as an entry Pino April ...

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New appointment with The Infidel 7 tonight at 21.10 on La7 , as always led by Gad Lerner. The theme of this episode is dedicated to Italy and the celebrations of the 17th March. There will also be an unusual musical presence: the choir of the orchestra "Giuseppe Verdi" of Milan, who will perform three patriotic songs. Among these there will be the "Va 'pensiero" from Verdi composed with explicit allusions irredentist and the Risorgimento.

The question asked is granted. How come you question the unity of our country and why therefore call into question his story, the Risorgimento. As if it were only this time in history depended on a strategic interest of foreign powers such as France, Britain and even the United States? And why the league has an interest in opposing boycott March 17 to celebrate other anniversaries regional separately? Maybe not an ideal way to get to that federalism, which many hope. They will talk about all this the historian Sergio Luzzatto, which will contribute to answer these questions, starting from his latest controversial pamphlet, "The crucifix of the State" (Einaudi), which indicates the forcing of symbolic pseudo-religious nature as a dangerous poor substitute for national identity.

Source: The Infidel


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