Friday, March 18, 2011

Where Is The Outside Temp Sensor 2010 Mondeo

Nabucco "Va pensiero" (Feast of the Unification of Italy) Italy

How Many Calories In Celebrations Chocolates

Rome March 17, 2011: Final day as free men or ... almost ...

Yesterday we did our event organized by the Party and the South of Rome, although Rome Police has denied us access to the Piazza del Pantheon and the ability to civilly express our dissent against the shameful tribute to butcher king, thanks to the initiative of a Sicilian friend, we were able for a few minutes to display a sign that shows our peaceful protest against the southern party absurd. In fact, as the police blocked most of the "bandits" from Piazza Venezia to the real 9-9.30 and wanted to go to the Pantheon, not stopping to show but at least to distribute leaflets or by reading signs that we wore, someone of us and 'detached from the group and reached the Pantheon just in time to photograph the billboard to be exposed by his friend Gaetano a balcony overlooking the square. billboard that you see in the picture above and it 'was also picked up by some newspapers and magazines online.
The program was abruptly withdrawn by police (public order?) And his friend Gaetano Siciliano was threatened with termination (as a crime of the Party of South ???)... we are ready to bear the legal costs in case the threat becomes reality. Enzo Riccio also Cuccurese and Christmas, in consultation with other members of the National Executive, decided to pass the honorary name of Gaetano Siciliano ... in fact! It 'the same Gary that explains in his note on FB that's fine, that has not suffered any violence and so far no complaint but only threats ... and we thank all the other Sicilian and southern movements that have demonstrated solidarity.
It would take a lot like him, brave men of the South, sincere moderate ee ... so different from the many revolutionary keyboard that run on the network, the hard-core of "independence or nothing" (but often remain on their seats or sit in front of their PC and continue to live in their virtual world), those who have always to do a clarification and critique for those who do something for them and that 'all too little ... the vast majority of these lions of the network is not never see in reality, it 'in the streets and squares it' elsewhere.
Under a heavy rain, we arrived in Piazza Farnese around 10 where there was a rally and a license to show ... we had distributed our posters with words of protest against our March 17, against the Savoy and against the lies of the Risorgimento. We have met other delegations, including the onset of the Civil and a group of Venetian who joined our protest ... also other friends of the Party of the South have joined us from Naples, Tuscany, Calabria and also from the North, around the Square were about fifty people. Many passers-by did not understand and there was also someone who reading our flyer or our posters accusing us of being "united against Italy" ... once again had to explain that we were against Italy as he had arrived together and what this meant for the South Lots of flags Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, a symbol of our identity and a history denied for nearly 150 years ... and the final photo in front of Palazzo Farnese, Rome residence of Francis II in his Roman exile, and then looked like a date with our memories and a destiny. Even here we have explained to many that ours was a tribute to our history and our identity, yet denied a history of 150 years and continually outraged by the lies of the Risorgimento, not nostalgia or inclination to go back to ancient monarchies.
Around 12.30-13 soaked all beautiful, we said our goodbyes and we left the place ... some of us are granted a lunch break and others have welcomed back home .... a beautiful day, and everywhere in streets and even in the advanced TV stale rhetoric "Risorgimento", we lived as free men with our peaceful protest and civil and southern head on.
would have been nice to count on the participation of dozens of bandits in the most and have had the opportunity to be square to the passage of President Napolitano ... but we have a clear conscience for having done the most of what could be done and we are ready the next battle.
thank all participants, both PdSud that others and I hope that everyone, apart from the rain, had my own pleasant sensations ... and conclude with the beautiful phrase chosen by Gaetano:

Enzo Riccio
AnsMode Org. National
parts of South

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Long Does It Take For Metamorphin To

Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday Nabucco

had been years since I've heard an opera from beginning to end and even though I have not seen live I would say that it is always exciting.

The Nabucco conducted by Muti , really creepy, all good. I know this is not a trial by one who knows what, but just a layman who says they are monsters of skill!

The only wrong note is the presence of so many politicians who have deliberately cut money culture (and do not think that will give them healthcare and education or research) and then to show the people go to the theater .... What a dog!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Simone Gets Brazilian Wax


Monday, March 14, 2011

Moiika Roccaforte Dvd

Flyer PdSud Rome March 17, 2011 ... help us to distribute it next Thursday!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Names Of Fests Cultural

Japan - 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can Lacuna Infarcts Heal Up

Beppe De Santis political secretary of the National PdSUD in Naples on March 11 to April

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tanning Salon Cover Letter Sample

March 10, 2011 - Merry Christmas MAURO


Monday, March 7, 2011

Design And Repeat Pro

Women - 2011 # 89

Women - Joumana Haddad

No one can imagine
what I say when I stand in silence
who do I see when I close my eyes
as I am when I am pushed pushed
thing I try when I let my hands.
Nobody, nobody knows
when I'm hungry when I leave
when I walk and when I lose,
nobody knows what is for me to go back, and return it back,
that my weakness is my strength and a mask is a mask,
and what comes next is a storm.
They think they know
and I let him believe
and create.

They built a cage for me so that my freedom was being granted a
and thank you and obey.
But I'm free before and after them, with them and without them
are free in victory and in defeat.
My prison is my will!
The key of the prison is their language
but their language clings around the fingers of my desire
and my desire not give orders.
am a woman.
believe that my liberal rta is owned by them
and I let him believe
and create.

Plus Sized Bathing Suits Toronto

Pino episode of the infidel on 7 / 03

Gad Lerner talks about the resurgence tonight, mythical period for him and many others, unfortunately, the novelty and 'that in addition to the controversy (as usual ... instrumental) of the Northern League will also southern Africa as an entry Pino April ...

----------------------------------------------- ------------------------

New appointment with The Infidel 7 tonight at 21.10 on La7 , as always led by Gad Lerner. The theme of this episode is dedicated to Italy and the celebrations of the 17th March. There will also be an unusual musical presence: the choir of the orchestra "Giuseppe Verdi" of Milan, who will perform three patriotic songs. Among these there will be the "Va 'pensiero" from Verdi composed with explicit allusions irredentist and the Risorgimento.

The question asked is granted. How come you question the unity of our country and why therefore call into question his story, the Risorgimento. As if it were only this time in history depended on a strategic interest of foreign powers such as France, Britain and even the United States? And why the league has an interest in opposing boycott March 17 to celebrate other anniversaries regional separately? Maybe not an ideal way to get to that federalism, which many hope. They will talk about all this the historian Sergio Luzzatto, which will contribute to answer these questions, starting from his latest controversial pamphlet, "The crucifix of the State" (Einaudi), which indicates the forcing of symbolic pseudo-religious nature as a dangerous poor substitute for national identity.

Source: The Infidel

Birthday Sayings For Nine Years

Gigi Di Fiore, Cosenza March 11

Friday March 11, 2011 at Cosenza to 18 hours at the library Ubik, there will be a meeting:
" from centralism to federalism The unit after 150 years. " The event will be

Gigi Di Fiore, journalist, historian and author of several books on the unit of Italy. Introduce the debate Professor Ulderico Nisticò. All
PdSud members and sympathizers in the area are invited.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best Layout For Dvd Creation

return trip from Cabo Verde

Cruisy Spots In Vegas

Flying on the plane trip on the road # 3 28 #

sign of Franco-English border (September 2007)
Highway Sicily (September 2006)
tornadoes in Sardinia (September 2008)

Salzburg - Austria on the road (September 2010)

Kiddie Fire Alarm Beeping Twice And Stopping

Travelling at night to watch the sunrise

Alba Belluno-trip to Livorno in Sardinia (September 2008)

Hide My Ip Slows Down Net

The Black Swan

It makes you see how stress can affect performance and how difficult it is to lose certain patterns, or rather to find themselves lost.

renounce as we have grown full of uncertainty to be able to find our "dark" side that leads us to get what they want without much mental masturbations.

At times delusional, but intense and intriguing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Undereye Cirlces Preperation


Gianni Minoli Rai opened up a series of three episodes of "The story we are" on the so-called "Resurgence."

point out that in the episode of Friday, March 4, beginning at 23, will air the episode "Ippolito Nievo - Inquiry into the Thousand", with a wide interview with the writer Gigi Di Fiore.

How To Operate Immobilizer

We southerners, we explain why we do not celebrate on March 17 ... Antonio Ciano

often ask us why we southerners who do not celebrate the Party of South March 17, and here we get the usual questions and the usual comments like "but then you want the separation like the Northern League, "" But not long for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies "," you can not put into question the unity of Italy and you expressing your opposition to the March 17 Do you exploit " "But many years have passed and still you complain that you southern and 'all the fault of the Savoy" etc etc ...
We try to put things right and explain it right, once and for all, why not celebrate this day and why to express our disagreement with this day of "celebration" and the homage of President Napolitano to King Vittorio Emanuele II, and especially because we consider this important for South levied
On 17 March 1861 there was the proclamation of the "Kingdom of Italy" which in fact was the annexation of certain territory to the Kingdom of Sardinia , well to note that there was still Rome and the Veneto that were added ca. a decade later, and, above all, there was a new state entity created with the consent of the people but a simple change of name of Savoy it attaches different areas (with undeclared war campaigns and plebiscites scam ...) and calls itself "the United of Italy. " The proof was that King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia Vittorio Emaniele continued to be called the king of Italy (why not the king of Italy Vittorio Emanuele I?) And that the first Italian parliament was the eighth parliament of Turin, were also extended the Piedmont read the rest of the peninsula (why there was then a federal solution that took account of the differences between the various territories? Maybe because then the South was the poorest parts of the country as and 'today after 150 years of colonization?).
What brought this proclamation in the South?
Ten years of civil war with hundreds of thousands of deaths in the civil war between 1861 and 1870 called "war on brigandage" ("Piedmont and the state 'was a vicious dictatorship that put Italy on fire South and islands, quartered, shot, buried alive poor farmers employed writers who attempted to defame the trademark of bandits "- Antonio Gramsci), the disastrous colonial adventures, fascism and other tragedies like the world wars with enormous casualties. .. what should we celebrate?
And from an economic standpoint?
A wealth of dispossession, destruction the emerging industrial and manufacturing base to support the claim of the Bourbon in the north, a fierce escalation of fees (which were much more 'low in the previous period) and especially Lombrosian the belief that "more than Italy! That' Africa! The Bedouins of a comparison of these peasants are milk and honey! " "Southerners are African, to make a forced Italian bayonets !"... you read the statements of general butchers and war criminals such as Cialdini Governors or lit as flour sent from Turin.
do not understand why a Republic was born in 1946 is to celebrate a monarchy so nefarious, forgetting that even a king Savoy signed laws DISCRIMINATION of the race.
short, the South was reduced to a colony from 1861 and met for the first time in the history of the world the tragedy of emigration bibbliche , a diaspora that even the Jews have experienced in 150 years ... more than 20 million Southern have fled their homes, their affections and their roots to go to the center-north or abroad, the diaspora continues to the present with features and different ways.
It was an honor to be part of a single nation, "the language of arms and heart", having paid for "Brothers of Italy" our blood on the Piave to "liberate" the city as distant Gorizia ... . but I honestly did not think to have the signs as a thank you "does not is dense in Southern or banners in the stadiums of the center-north of the type "Forza Vesuvius! Forza Etna! Earthquake! Cholera. "
We do not want a return to ancient monarchies but 'paradoxical in a country with ministers who said they clean their parts with less noble flag, we think that to threaten" the unification of Italy, " we do not want no war against the rest of the country ... and no separation even more paradoxical that everything and '"Bourbon" is still seen as pure evil and something obscurantist, retrograde and threatening as he pretends to ... not see the flag of Padania (State which is not 'never existed in historical reality) or did not hear the racist slogans gatherings of members of the League and anything not outraged, not 'threatening the unity and national cohesion. "
Yesterday, the Rome Police deny us a demonstration on 17 at the Pantheon, where we have expressly stated that we wanted to organize a protest and dissent, civil, peaceful and democratic way and in full compliance with the laws and the President of this Republic a ... more time, without wishing to do the "usual southern victimhood," we are children of a lesser God? We are Italian Serie B?
We are tired of suffering and we have the right and duty to express our dissent, the article tells us 21 of our Constitution, and then insist with the police ... and Thursday, March 17 with all the Pantheon us to express both civilly and peacefully, so Gandhi would say, our dissent!
with poor memory in this country must finally abandon the myths of the Risorgimento, the first the truth ... if you want to talk about unity and not the lies and fairy tales to De Amicis.

Besides the historical truth, to have a truly united country we need a policy that creates the same opportunities in the North and the South in a word, a policy of justice and of economic rebalancing to reduce rather than accentuate the differences, this that Germany did to the fall of the Berlin Wall for bringing the content (and quality) of life of East Germans to those West ... we have some "slight suspicion" that this is not the goal it 'the right of Berlusconi and Bossi Lumbard it' on the left of Emilia Bersani .... in fact the gap in the last 16 years and 'increased.
When finally a young graduate in Naples or Palermo will have equal merit, equal opportunities to work one of his colleagues in Milan ... when to go by train from Naples to Reggio C. we take the same time to get from Rome to Milan ... when a contractor in the South will have the same opportunity to one of his colleagues in the North, the banks provide loans under the same conditions, infrastructure and services, as well as crime , not hinder ... then yes we can speak of "unity," so far, please Spare us your tales and lies from the Risorgimento "Brothers of Italy".
Who controls the past controls the future (G. Orwell)

Enzo Riccio
AnsMode Org. National
parts of South

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ship's Parts And Diagram

Radio Hinterland Friday, March 4 10:30

Friday, March 4, 2011 from 10.30 in the "Radio on Facebook Hinterland" speaks of the festival on March 17, the 150th anniversary and its controversy.

Speakers: Sergio Chiamparino (Mayor of Torino), Attilio Fontana (Mayor of Varese), Luigi Spagnolli (Mayor of Bolzano), Flavio Tosi (Mayor of Verona), Antonio Ciano (Councillor Gaeta) , Antonella Rinella (City of Bari), Gianmarco hundreds (deputy mayor of Pavia, Italy), Graziano Delrio (Mayor of Reggio Emilia), Rosario Olivo (Mayor of Catanzaro), Davide Boni (Regione Lombardia).
Conducted by: Gabriel Pugliese sent
Facebook: Brandon Silva (Language Point), Omar Abdel Aziz
director: Marco and Riccardo Bagatti Veneroni

If you have any questions may write to the board of the group "Facebook Hiterland Radio"


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Heartburn Numb Right Arm

The Party of South opened a section on the ground know it! A flower for all

Yesterday, March 1, 2011, is been formalized in the new section of the Party of Bell South in the Sannio, a section named after one of the victims of the massacres of Piedmont:
Party of South - Group Sannita "Concetta Biondi" (Ponte - Casalduni).
wish you a warm to new friends and compatriots Mazza, Capobianco, Sica and all other development and future work of the new section created in the symbols of our history!