Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shaving Cream For Man


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pasquetta nerd at Villa Cacchione I liked, you're right Matthew, it was a return to those early years of this decade when inviting friends at home, there was emmessènne and burn CDs. Cacchione The estate is much larger than I remembered and sausages for lunch were excellent. Then the toilet to escape pyramid, the apertures in the side bedroom and VHS Valentina Crepax make it more Livio. Or in any case, make all the finest 80s. Thus more Livio. Livio Oh, tomorrow I will go to IKEA and buy a desk like yours you know? What school of art has inevitably affected our taste, oh Livio? I believe yes. But unconsciously, not now. One day grow old with you oh Livio and fade the colors of your pantone, while I'm sick of spending too much time on the same layer of color will start to buy pantone hued increasingly marked. We will have the same Pantone and aesthetic tastes will be completely conformed to the rule gilibertiana.
Matt was nice talking with you in the car. Has been said the Pontine and its human and topographical limitations. Has been said of the legality of the people to declare pontine or not, the ambiguity of Cisternesi (sort of Velletrana contaminated), and the Pontiniani Lepine. (Yes Matt, I imagined that you would appreciate setbacks).
Back to Aprilia but I saw him, I saw Matt. I saw the exact spot where Italy ends and begins the Pontine Marshes. Nettunense, a few meters before entering into Aprilia, on the left still pines, olive and dear to the Roman countryside Bamboccianti, but no right. Right after the building shabby former coop (quell'emilioromagnolità symbol that is not ours) there are three bars. Low-rise buildings (ground floor only), large horizontal windows, neon signs, and garbage. Cock Detroit, Detroit.
Palmacci to Easter Monday because there was not suffering from cagarella, let this be known. Dinner with ex-5c was a nice evening and salami on pizza was level. Livio, then there are no more left in Umbria, but in any case you could not sleep with me because it was a decision made in the mid-dinner and the next day I had other commitments. The next day I met the dear trallaltro Silviamarcialis foul on Roma-Nettuno. Oh well.
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