Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To A Build A Buggy Manual Book



Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wedding Letter Catholic


Fall two thousand. Dario
party for Erasmus in Ireland.
late Seating Dario brings a girl pregnant and unaware of indigenous
pontine back in the countryside.
When the girl in question is aware of being pregnant,
is too late to find the father of the unborn.

years pass and the child grows up without a father,
sometimes tells her mother of her father Mediterranean
he listens and grows enchanted with the myth italianity and organized crime.
Dario has run in the meantime built a really stable and peaceful family.

come of age, the boy decides to go to reach Italy in search of his father and
in one way or another find it. He knocks on his door lamp, shaved and with those spring Executioner printed on a shirt of Napoli. The boy is intrusive and annoying and sends itself to spend some time in the house of the father, still shaken, he can not say no. They spend a few days and the boy shows no signs of wanting to leave the house. Darius discovers that the boy makes with his wife.

And here Dario says "while I fucked you know me 'mother."
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................... Mauro
. .