
I always told you: the Pontine Marshes is nothing but a miniature of the United States. U.S. I have in mind is obvious, not I have ever seen. I used to say, with Fabrizio, Aprilia and Detroit are the same thing as the Ramones and the rest of the Ninja Turtles. The co also said 'Edward a few days ago in tank *. Aprilia is Detroit. Industrial, degraded, dirty, a lot of deranged characters and a whole lot 'of independent music. Detroit in the USA is the North as in April and the last strip of Pontine Marshes before the Castelli Romani (Castel Gandolfo and Nemi are equivalent to the first Great Lakes in Canada). Sabaudia is somewhere in Florida: beach, humid climate, lake, nature reserve with sandy soil and eucalyptus trees in the village, hippies and ska groups like idiots. The villages of Latin euquivalgono in some areas of the south: large expanses of green, straight road (the Pontina) and small farmers xenophobic far-right. Latin American cities do not know, I suppose to play the role of the urban center of reference for the surrounding lands, those in which rained novanteggianti alt rock groups with extensive use of major chords. Pontinia but I know without a doubt what it is. Pontinia is a typical rural town in the south: a small farming town of true rednecks, is crossed by a drainage channel (our Mississippi) from the shores of which the young cowboys throw stones on otters. The Pontinia Blues Festival is no accident. To the south, rather than Mexico (wild land of fugitives outlawed), we find the boundary with the lands of southern Lazio, where the arm of the law will never arrive. Type Funds.
"Ah ah ah - Uh uh uh - Bullshit," you say. Bullshit, my ass. An American who has played in Littoria few days ago (and that, moreover, has played as a true American, but that's another story) confirmed this: "I am better in Latin than in Rome, here reminds me of the Alabama ". By Magnifico.
* in-tank [ comp. of in - and bath ] · Area Chambers white brick paving around the rectangular basin is characteristic of the Faculty of Arts University of the Third Capitoline go in the tank, stand in the tub ABB <'n-vasca> 'm 'n bath , routes here ( THE ANONYMOUS PHONE ).
the Zanichelli
Today I took the start, that I have finished my course scout, to explain it to you Muggles. In a couple of days go into community leaders apparently and in a bit 'of months I'll be scouting for a decade. Shit, how much time has passed. This morning, after wandering a bit 'Bassett waiting for the bus I went to Mass in the church there. Matteoroccarina Oh, I would have wanted me there with you know? Mattè I would have liked because there was a situation boh ... fascinating? No, not the right word, I do not know how to explain, ok,. There were children in the front rows, there was a bunch of old association of former gunners with the Basques and a banner, there was a band with instrument cases and benches were smooth and brown. In short, I was around a lot of things that maybe would have liked you too.
Autumn when There is the sun is beautiful, everything has sharper edges.
few days ago (I saw with my own eyes, Luigi can testify), James asked the ticket office of a theater in Rome how could he do to become a member of CLAC . James argued that there is' I'm CLAC, which according to his father (who, of course, the stavappiglià perculo), was a group of people with the task semi-official kick off to the applause at the end of each play. Entering the turn of Clac the head and becoming a friend you could have discounts on theater tickets. Legend has it that the then head of the CLAC was found in a particular bar, sitting at a particular table to receive, at certain times, young admirers hoping to get into his good graces. A sort of freemasonry of applause short. James explained it all to the ticket that chick, angry, replied to James did not have the faintest idea what he was saying.